
Thursday, May 19, 2011

University Hospital Parking Tip

I can't believe the cost of parking at the Royal University Hospital. At $3.00 per hour it doesn't take long to reach the daily maximum of $18.00.

It seems wrong to me. It's like taking advantage of people who have little choice because many people parking there don't have the option of walking to the hospital or taking the bus. And they've made it difficult to park in the residential neighbourhood across the street where permits are typically required. Even if you can park there, it's still quite a walk to get to the hospital. Even after you get to the hospital, you might be walking a while to reach your destination. When I was pregnant with Luke, I was overdue at which point I had to go to the University hospital every second day for a stress test. By the time I got my giant self and Hannah who was 2 at the time ready and then in the car, out of the car and all the way through the hospital to where I needed to be on the 5th floor ... well, let's say that if I wasn't stressed before I got there I sure should have been by the time I did! I had to make that trip three times! It struck me as ridiculous!

Until I took Mom to Emergency last Sunday night I hadn't parked in that lot since I had my last radiation treatment over a year ago. The cost has gone up considerably since then. A lot. Even though I still go to the Cancer Centre (at the University Hospital) for follow-up appointments I never use the parking lot. I just happen to work in the building next door so I usually walk over.

If you are visiting the Royal University Hospital, my recommendation is that instead of driving in through the hospital entrance off college, turn in to campus on Wiggins and park in one of the lots there or at a meter. There are meters close to the back entrance of the hospital. Often, of course, the meters are busy but it's worth a check. The thing is, even if you get a parking ticket on campus, it's $10.00. That's less than 4 hours of parking at the hospital and a lot less than the $18.00 maximum. Plus, there's a chance you won't get a ticket.

That's what I do.

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