
Thursday, June 18, 2009

This is SOOOOO funny!!

Before I go to bed, I have to tell you about "The Pioneer Woman". Hers is the only personal blog I subscribe to (via RSS) simply because she makes me laugh. A lot! She's just some crazy woman who grew up in New York, met and fell in love with a cattle rancher, married him, had four punks, home schools them, takes a lot of photos and ... well ... I think she's hilarious. After reading her blog for more than 2 years, I know I would feel right at home in her kitchen.

Time magazine selected Confessions of a Pioneer Woman as one of the 25 Best Blogs of 2009.

She describes herself on her blog like this:
The Pioneer Woman: Plowing through life in the country ... one calf nut at a time. My Name is Ree. I'm a desperate housewife. I live in the country. I channel Lucille Ball and Ethel Merman. Welcome to my Frontier.
Learn more about her here. It's a good place to get started if you're into this kind of thing.

Here is a recent post by The Pioneer Woman that I think is particularly hilarious and delightful. It's a funny series of photos about one of their family dogs, Charlie. If you love dogs, you will love this. Take a look here. I dare you not to laugh. I dare you not to go out and get yourself a dog! If you don't look at anything else, just look at this. It is soooooo amusing!

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